Mine Survey

IG Drones in mining improve the overall efficiency of large mine site and quarry management by providing accurate and comprehensive data detailing site conditions in a very short time. Drone data provides more precise volumetric measurements than traditional surveying methods, such as ground-based. Our IG Drones adequately collect authentic data from maximum open pit operation and bring out client specific deliverables including progress monitoring, mapping data of an entire mining site, and measurement if extraction volumes. We also provide the solutions for mining industries.

IG Drones can customise the technology to provide the best outcome for your project. Since stockpiles are by nature irregular in shape and exhibiting craters, it is difficult to estimate their volume with great precision using traditional methods such as GNSS surveying. These slow and costly methods also prohibit frequent surveys and can even threaten the surveyor’s safety, as they must climb up and down stockpiles and/or work in the middle of moving machinery. IG Drones aerial images can be used to generate point clouds, digital surface models, digital terrain models and a 3D reconstruction of a mining site, including its stockpiles. This enables high- accuracy calculation of stockpile value for monthly reconciliations or year-end audits, which improves the consistency of inventory reports in the company in the company’s balance sheet because drone results and post processing software are unbiased, you can also validate the amount of material moved by subcontractors.


  • 3D Mapping Software to obtain volumetric measurement
  • Calculate stocks in mines & quarries for inventory monitoring
  • More accurate volume measurements
  • Surveillance of mining sites
  • Fully autonomous drones to access hazardous & hard to reach areas
  • Higher speed and accuracy than conventional inspection methods
  • Streamline workflows in significantly less time
  • Relatively less time & lower costs

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